[3 hours].

This session aims to raise awareness of the impact of stereotypes, prejudice and discrimination in emotional and sexual life. Through their own testimonies, listening sessions with specialists and small non-formal educational games, participants are encouraged to better understand and identify these phenomena.

5 min

Introduce the session and its objectives 
Introduce this first part of the workshop. Explain that today you are going to talk about stereotypes, prejudices and discrimination and how these can impact on emotional and sexual life.

15 min

The triangle of differences and similarities
This activity suggests that people exchange ideas to find similarities and differences.

To see the explanation of this activity, click here.

45 min

A barrier overcome in intimate life
This activity asks people to share obstacles they have overcome in their intimate and sexual life, in relation to gender, race and class. We propose to carry out a variant of this activity in the form of cross-interviews.

To see the explanation of this activity, click here.

15 min

Vocabulary on the different forms of discrimination
Ask the participants to list orally the different forms of discrimination they know. Write each word on a flip chart. For each concept, you can ask for some examples of how this discrimination can be expressed and affect the people concerned in their emotional and sexual lives. You can also play some extracts from podcasts to illustrate this discrimination.

BREAK [10 min]

The Identity Wheel
The identity wheel is a pedagogical tool used to better understand how our social identities influence our daily lives and our relationships with others. The exercise itself is quite simple: a circle divided into social categories (gender identities, sexual orientations, race, social classes, etc.) that people complete with their personal information. They then explore how, depending on the context and situation, certain identities become more or less important, for themselves or for others. We propose here a radio adaptation to share personal stories related to these topics.

You can find the step-by-step instructions for facilitation here.
The annex with the wheel and questions on emotional and sexual life that you can use directly as such are available on this link. Feel free to adapt it and add categories if it seems necessary.

The thermometer:

– Make a line on the floor (with chalk or repositionable tape). Put a “+” at one end of the line, a “-” at the other. Ask people to stand on this line according to the questions you are going to ask. For example: 
– I felt comfortable with the rest of the group during the workshop.
– I learned some things about myself.
– I enjoyed the identity wheel activity. 
– I became aware of some elements of my social identity that I never think about.
– I became aware of some of my stereotypes and prejudices. 
– I have a better understanding of how discrimination can impact on intimate life.

Between each answer, people who wish to do so can express themselves.